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Team Semper Fi Event: Wounded Warrior Regiment – Warrior Game Trials
Feb 10, 2011 - Feb 20, 2011

Camp Pendleton, CA (Team Semper Fi Event) – Each year the Wounded Warrior Regiment holds Marine Corps Trials to provide 50 Marines the opportunity to participate in the All-Marine Warrior Games. This year members of Team Semper Fi will be competing in the trials!
To find out more about the Wounded Warrior Regiment’s “Warrior Athlete Reconditioning Program” visit their site: www.woundedwarriorregiment.org/warsports/warp
Marines Interested requesting participation in the trials, please follow the instructions below:
1. Obtain copy of DD214 (required for veterans)
2. Download and complete the Marine Corps Trials Registration Form
3. Download and complete the Medical Questionaire Form
4. Return Registration Request, Medical Questionaire, & DD214 to WWSports@usmc.mil
Receipt confirmation will be acknowledged within 48 business hours via email or phone.