Community Athlete: Mosi Smith runs Endless Summer 6 Hour Run

Semper Fi Fund Community Athlete Mosi Smith will be running the Endless Summer 6 Hour Run as part of the Captain Robert Hillery and Captain Mosi Smith Marines "1 in 10" campaign! Capt Hillery and Capt Smith are doing a long-term fundraising campaign for the Semper Fi Fund, called "1 in 10". They request two [...]

Community Athlete: Mosi Smith at Badwater 135 Mile Ultramarathon

Death Valley, CA - Community Athlete, Marine Captain Mosi Smith will take on the Badwater 135 Mile Ultramarathon July 16-18, 2012 to raise awareness and support for the Semper Fi Fund. A notoriously brutal race, the Badwater covers 135 miles (217km) from Death Valley to Mt. Whitney, CA in temperatures up to 130 degree Fahrenheit. [...]

Community Athlete: Captain Mosi Smith at Endless Summer 6 hour event

Annapolis, MD – Marine Captain Mosi Smith will be participating in multiple events this year, as he has done throughout his several years of supporting the Semper Fi Fund. Participating in the St. John 8 Tuff Miles Road Race, Rock'N'Roll USA Marathon (as a pacer), Bull Run Run 50-Miler, Boston Marathon, Badwater: Salton Sea ultramarathon [...]