Hugh Hewitt hosts a Memorial Day show to remember

Nationwide -- Nationally syndicated talk show host Hugh Hewitt will air his annual conversation with some of the country's greatest heroes -- Marines, Sailors, soldiers and airmen who have been [...]

Voices of our Veterans!

This Veterans Day join us and Hugh Hewitt for our annual radio show to honor our Veterans! Many of our heroes share their amazing stories about their injuries or illnesses, [...]

The Hugh Hewitt Show hosts our Heroes!

Nationwide – On Tuesday, July 3, 2012, nationally syndicated radio talk show host Hugh Hewitt will host a few Heroes who were assisted by the Semper Fi Fund! Please tune in and join us for this wonderful, heartwarming show! The Hugh Hewitt show will air the first interview on Tuesday, July 3, 2012 at 3:20 [...]

Hugh Hewitt Memorial Day Show 2020

HUGH HEWITT SHOW SCHEDULE: Monday, May 25, 2020 6:00 am – 9:00 am EST National – This Memorial Day, nationally syndicated radio talk show host, Hugh Hewitt, will be hosting a special on the Semper Fi & America's Fund as we celebrate supporting our wounded, critically ill and injured Service Members and their Families. Hugh will [...]

Hugh Hewitt 2020 Veterans Day Show

This Veteran’s Day, nationally syndicated radio talk show host, Hugh Hewitt, will be hosting a special on Semper Fi & America's Fund (The Fund) as we celebrate supporting our wounded, critically ill and injured service members and their families. Hugh will be talking to our service members about their injuries, their recoveries and the assistance [...]