Support and empower veterans and service members living with PTSD.

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Semper Fi & America’s Fund is honored to present the 2024 PTSD Century Hike, a transformative journey designed to raise awareness of the significant challenges service members face post-service—challenges that often last a lifetime. This year, veterans and service members will traverse 100 miles of New England’s historic trails over five days, demonstrating resilience and a shared spirit of hope.

This event is more than a physical challenge; it’s a powerful movement towards healing and recovery. The hike promotes peer-to-peer support and strengthens bonds among participants, all while raising awareness of service-connected trauma and the essential funds necessary to promote healing. These funds will provide basic needs support for service members and veterans participating in mental health treatment programs and/or those unemployed or underemployed due to worsening post-traumatic stress disorder or traumatic brain injury symptoms.

By supporting, you contribute to lighting the path to recovery and acknowledging the silent battles beyond the battlefield. Join us in celebrating the courage of our service members and veterans. Today. Tomorrow. Together.

2024 PTSD Century Hike Participants

Rene Braun |
Daniel Deakins |
Trevor Hess |
Ruben P. |
John Shafer |
Kenneth Toone |
Wendy Clough |
Chad Prichard |
Christian Boles |
Shaun Isbell |

Your Support in Action

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Goal: $25,000

To Continue Our Mission,
We Need Your Help More Than Ever.

Why Donate to Semper Fi & America’s Fund?

At The Fund, we offer support that lasts a lifetime to ensure that our nation’s critically wounded, ill, and injured service members, veterans, and military families across all branches of the U.S. Armed Forces are never alone or forgotten on their road to recovery. Our heroes become part of our Fund family — and we become part of theirs — for life. To continue our vital mission, we need you.

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  • We assisted 11,700 service members, veterans and military families in Fiscal Year 2023 – our highest number ever.
  • The number of people receiving assistance for basic needs such as food, fuel, utilities, and rent payments increased 24% this past year.
  • We have averaged 2,000 new, first-time recipients per year over the past 10 years, including 2,100 this past year.
  • A+ rating from CharityWatch, one of only three veteran nonprofits to receive their highest rating.

Join our Fund family and provide life-changing support to those who preserve our freedom … Today. Tomorrow. Together.